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"There are no strangers - only friends who have not met"

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Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake


Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake is a non-profit organization of more than 200 local women. Each year we receive grant application requests, defining specific needs, from 501c3 Charitable organizations in Stone and Taney Counties.

You may make a donation to Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake through the Community Foundation of the Ozarks. 

To make a donation, click the Make a Donation button below.

Please help us to continue our support of this year's grant applicants. No amount it too small. 
Click here for a mail-in Sponsorship form.

Neighbors and Friends Sponsorship Committee
Sue Spoley


Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake (NFTRL) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to foster friendship among its members and assist in their introduction into community, social, civic, and educational causes, and to undertake and promote charitable and humanitarian projects within the community.

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Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake

Make a Donation 

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Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake 
PO Box 64
Kimberling City, MO 65686

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