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"There are no strangers - only friends who have not met"

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Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake

Presidents Information

(Welcome Wagon 1973-2001)

Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake, Inc. 1973 to Present


1973-1974 Euriel Boone

 2000-2001 Pat Chula  
 1974-1975 Marilyn Shippee  2001-2002 Malese Mayo 
 1975-1976 Bernidean Stephens  2002-2003 Sarah Wilson
 1976-1977 Martha Brewer  2003-2004 Nancy Starkweather
 1977-1978 Sally Pugh  2004-2005 Nancy Laatsch - Susie Stovall
 1978-1979 Nadine Marquardt  2005-2006 Susie Stovall - Nancy Neubauer
 1979-1980 Iva Coulter Zembsch  2006-2007 Nancy Neubauer - Linda Herbel
 1980-1981 Janice Laning  2007-2008 Linda Herbel - Sharon Clarke
 1981-1982 Marge Davis  2008-2009 Sharon Clarke –Julie Schottman
 1982-1983 Helen Perkins  2009-2010 Julie Schottman - Jan Hindrichs
 1983-1984 Marie Thomas  2010-2011 Jan Hindrichs - Cindy Hook
 1984-1985 Marian Beckman   2011-2012 Cindy Hook - Betty Pugner
 1985-1986 Ginny Campbell  2012-2013 Betty Pugner - Lynne Hailey
 1986-1987 Betty Anderson  2013-2014 Lynne Hailey - Myrna Rickart 
 1987-1988 Gloria Gayuski  2014-2015 Myrna Rickart - Helen Edgington
 1988-1989 Sue Williams  2015-2016 Helen Edgington - Donna Ninemire
 1989-1990 Doris Millsap  2016-2017 Donna Ninemire - Betty Thomas
 1990-1991 Malese Mayo   2017-2018 Betty Thomas - Candice Manley 
 1991-1992 Jackie Stark  2018-2019 Candice Manley - Denise Martin 
 1992-1993 Pat George   2019-2020 Denise Martin - Cindy Gloyna 
 1993-1994 Beverly Pfankuch  2020-2021 Cindy Gloyna - Anna Chance  
 1994-1995 Alda Logsdon – Kathy Krier  2021-2022 Anna Chance - Denise Martin
 1995-1996 Iva Zembsch – Jeanne Olson  2022-2023 Denise Martin - Natalie Miller
 1996-1997 Marge Herke – Liz Long  2023-2024 Natalie Miller - Beverly Bledsoe
 1997-1998 Jan Graham 
 1998-1999 Judy Cox 
 1999-2000 Sis Gomora 


Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake (NFTRL) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to foster friendship among its members and assist in their introduction into community, social, civic, and educational causes, and to undertake and promote charitable and humanitarian projects within the community.

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Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake

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Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake 
PO Box 64
Kimberling City, MO 65686

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