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"There are no strangers - only friends who have not met"

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Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

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  • How do I login to the NFTRL website?
  • Login with your email that you provided to NFTRL and your password.
  • How do I reset by password?
  • Use the Forgot Password button.  You will be sent an email with the option to reset your password. 
  • Where do I find an application for Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake?
  • Click here to fill in the online application.
  • How do I renew my membership?
  • Click here for step by step instructions.
  • Luncheon RSVPs
Do I have to be logged in to make a reservation?
You must be logged in with your correct user ID (email address) and password to make a reservation.
  • How far in advance do I need to make a luncheon RSVP?
  • Luncheon reservations need to be complete by 12 days prior to the NFTRL meeting. 
  • How do I make a luncheon reservation?
  • Go to our Calendar and select NFTRL meeting date.
  • Do you need help to make a reservation?
  • Click here to see instructions. 
  • How do I make a luncheon reservation for a guest who wants a different luncheon choice than me?
  • You will need to make a separate rsvp for your quest. 
Where do I find NFTRL's Bylaws?
  • Our bylaws are posted on the About Us page.




Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake (NFTRL) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to foster friendship among its members and assist in their introduction into community, social, civic, and educational causes, and to undertake and promote charitable and humanitarian projects within the community.

Copyright ©2024 All Rights Reserved |
Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake

Make a Donation 

(Point your camera at the code and the option to open the link will appear.)

Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake 
PO Box 64
Kimberling City, MO 65686

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