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"There are no strangers - only friends who have not met"

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Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake

Note: You must be logged in with your correct user ID (email address) and password to make a reservation.

Meeting/Luncheon Reservation - FAQs

  • Reservations must be made 12 days prior to the luncheon date.
  • Cancellations may be made up to 12 days prior the luncheon date. 
  • Members who make reservations for themselves or a guest and do not attend the luncheon are still obligated for the payment of that missed lunch.
  • If a member has 2 or more unpaid lunches, they will not be able to make a new reservation until that debt is settled. 
  • "To Go" containers are available to purchase at the luncheon for a nominal fee. 
  • Meetings/Luncheon are held at Our Lady of the Cove Catholic Church Hall - 20 Kimberling Blvd Kimberling City, MO 65686 on the 2nd Monday of each month (Sept - May).
  • Meeting starts at 10:30, doors open at 9:45 to check-in with reservations (we encourage you to come at 9:45 to meet new friends).
Luncheon Options
  • Entrees and Salads will be $15.
  • Setups will be $7.  (Setups include place setting, dessert, and beverage).
  • *All meals include a roll, dessert and coffee, tea or water.*
  • Meals are served by the Knights of Columbus. 

Making a Guest RSVP

  • You may make a guest RSVP at the same time as your luncheon reservation, if you want to have the same meal choice.
  • If the guest would like a different meal, then you need to begin a separate reservation.  


Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake (NFTRL) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to foster friendship among its members and assist in their introduction into community, social, civic, and educational causes, and to undertake and promote charitable and humanitarian projects within the community.

Copyright ©2024 All Rights Reserved |
Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake

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Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake 
PO Box 64
Kimberling City, MO 65686

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